
Resolution to the Dilemma Story: Due Tuesday, February 3rd

Now that you have created a dilemma, it is up to you to resolve it. On a separate piece of paper create a resolution to your story. The resolution must be creative, address the what would you do question, be AT LEAST ONE PAGE in length and should, in some way, resolve the conflict. Please be aware that Resolutions do not have to be pretty and sweet, often times the resolution to a story leaves the reader with more questions and concerns. Of course it is up to you to decide how you want your story to end.

You will be graded on:
2.whether you address the "What Would You Do" question
3.The length of your resolution (at least one page)
4.whether you resolve the conflict


Create your own "Dilemma Story": Due Monday, January 26th

It is now your turn to create your own "Dilemma Story." Your story should be creative, include AT LEAST one conflict (Internal or External), and should end with a "What would you do?" Dilemma. Stories should be AT LEAST one page (if you type your story please double space).

Feel free to use your own life experiences and your notes as a resource in creating the conflict.

Please attach all your in class prompt responses, notes, and your dilemma response to your story.


A Brief Introduction and Q & A: Due Friday, January 23rd

1. A Brief Introduction:
This assignment is designed for you to have an opportunity to introduce yourself to me through some form of creative, individual expression. My only requirements for this assignment are that you write AT LEAST one paragraph explaining why your creative expression is a valid representation of who you are at this moment in your life and you spend time and effort focusing on the qualities and passions that you would like to share with me.

Options for expression (but not limited to):
-poetry (your own or a poet you admire)
-fiction/non-fiction (your own or an author you admire)
-songs (your own or songwriters/bands you admire)
-visual art (your own or an artist you admire)

If you give me a list of your favorite bands/songs, please include either a CD of the music and/or links to the band's websites/MYSPACE pages.

If you give me a list of your favorite stories/poems/authors please include at least one sample of a story or poem and/or links to the author's websites.

Due to the time limitations and structure of the classroom, often times I am unable to get to know all of the students I am working with as much as I would like. My hope is that this assignment allows for you to express who you are in an unique and authentic way and in doing so, gives me a little insight to who you are and where you are coming from.

2. Q & A:
Please write AT LEAST one question you would like to know about me.

The reason I ask for the questions in writing is that if I feel the question is to personal or inappropriate for the classroom setting I can choose not to answer the question or I may speak to the individual outside of the class and address the question one on one. I will answer all the questions I deem appropriate in the weeks to come.

Response to "The Hunter's Son": Due Wednesday, January 21st

Creatively respond to the story "The Hunter's Son" by writing a one page reflection on your own reaction/interpretation to the story. Please focus on one specific element of the story (the ending, a specific character, an action, a scene, a theme [the power of silence], etc.) and relate it to your own life experience (family, friends, incidents, feelings, beliefs, etc.) Your response should reflect your own ideas and feelings on the story and should in some way relate to your self.

This assignment is designed to help you start thinking about your own "What would you do story" that will be due on Monday, January 26th. We will be spending this week in class focusing, writing, and discussing the elements that go into making a powerful "dilemma" story.